
14/01/23: Notice of Revision of Plan – 2023

07/03/21: Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Declaration of Results

26/01/22: The Referendum

Following the publication of the Decision Statement (Regulation 18) by Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council, the Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan will proceed to referendum, taking place on Thursday 3 March 2022.

The question which will be asked in the Referendum is ‘Do you want Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Stoke Golding to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’

15/09/21: Neighbourhood Plan – Report of Independent Examination – September 2021

09/04/21: The Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to HBBC for Regulation 16 consultation.

07/12/20:Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan: Pre-Submission draft plan + Consultation Comments Form

10/07/20:Change of Reserve Site in the Neighbourhood Plan

28:02:20: After the success of the informal open event in January 2020, the NPAC is now working towards finishing the draft of the plan. A full SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) is being produced of the village’s chosen site allocation.

18/07/19: Update on progress of the Neighbourhood Plan

13/8/17: Read the results from both the Household Survey and the Young Persons’ Survey which were sent out to all households and businesses in the Stoke Golding Neighbourhood Plan Area in April. These reports have been independently compiled by The Rural Communities Council (RCC), a charity experienced in helping with the preparation of neighbourhood plans.

The reports are currently being used as a basis for writing a first draft for Stoke Golding’s Neighbourhood Plan.